Source code for

"""Base for interacting with the Censys Search API."""
import os
from typing import List, Optional, Type

from requests.models import Response

from censys.common.base import CensysAPIBase
from censys.common.config import DEFAULT, get_config
from censys.common.exceptions import (

Fields = Optional[List[str]]

[docs] class CensysSearchAPIv1(CensysAPIBase): """This class is the base class for all v1 API indexes.""" DEFAULT_URL: str = "" """Default Search API base URL.""" INDEX_NAME: Optional[str] = None """Name of Censys Index.""" def __init__( self, api_id: Optional[str] = None, api_secret: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """Inits CensysSearchAPIv1. See CensysAPIBase for additional arguments. Args: api_id (str): Optional; The API ID provided by Censys. api_secret (str): Optional; The API secret provided by Censys. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Raises: CensysException: Base Exception Class for the Censys API. """ CensysAPIBase.__init__(self, kwargs.pop("url", self.DEFAULT_URL), **kwargs) # Gets config file config = get_config() # Try to get credentials self._api_id = ( api_id or os.getenv("CENSYS_API_ID") or config.get(DEFAULT, "api_id") ) self._api_secret = ( api_secret or os.getenv("CENSYS_API_SECRET") or config.get(DEFAULT, "api_secret") ) if not self._api_id or not self._api_secret: raise CensysException("No API ID or API secret configured.") self._session.auth = (self._api_id, self._api_secret) # Generate concrete paths to be called self.search_path = f"/search/{self.INDEX_NAME}" self.view_path = f"/view/{self.INDEX_NAME}/" self.report_path = f"/report/{self.INDEX_NAME}" # Confirm setup # self.account() def _get_exception_class( # type: ignore self, res: Response ) -> Type[CensysSearchException]: return CensysExceptionMapper.SEARCH_EXCEPTIONS.get( res.status_code, CensysSearchException )
[docs] def account(self) -> dict: """Gets the current account information. This includes email and quota. Returns: dict: Account response. """ return self._get("account")
[docs] def quota(self) -> dict: """Gets the current account's query quota. Returns: dict: Quota response. """ return self.account()["quota"]