Source code for

"""Interact with the Censys Search Data API."""
from .api import CensysSearchAPIv1

[docs] class CensysData(CensysSearchAPIv1): """Interacts with the Data index. For more details, see our documentation: """ _PREFIX = "/data" """Endpoint prefix."""
[docs] def get_series(self) -> dict: """Get data on the types of scans we regularly perform (series). Returns: dict: The result set returned. """ return self._get(self._PREFIX)
[docs] def view_series(self, series_id: str) -> dict: """Get data on a specific series. Args: series_id (str): The ID of the series. Returns: dict: The result set returned. """ path = f"{self._PREFIX}/{series_id}" return self._get(path)
[docs] def view_result(self, series_id: str, result_id: str) -> dict: """View a specific result of a specific series. Args: series_id (str): The ID of the series. result_id (str): The ID of the result. Returns: dict: The result set returned. """ path = f"{self._PREFIX}/{series_id}/{result_id}" return self._get(path)