CLI Reference


usage: censys [-h] [-v] {search,view,hnri,config,config-asm} ...
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v, --version

display version

censys config

Configure Censys Search API Settings

usage: censys config [-h]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

censys config-asm

Configure Censys ASM API Settings

usage: censys config-asm [-h]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

censys hnri

Home Network Risk Identifier (H.N.R.I.)

usage: censys hnri [-h] [--api-id API_ID] [--api-secret API_SECRET]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--api-id <api_id>

a Censys API ID (alternatively you can use the env variable CENSYS_API_ID)

--api-secret <api_secret>

a Censys API SECRET (alternatively you can use the env variable CENSYS_API_SECRET)

censys view

View a document in Censys Search by providing a document id and the resource index

usage: censys view [-h] [--api-id API_ID] [--api-secret API_SECRET]
                   [--index-type hosts] [--at-time YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm]
                   [-f screen|json] [-o OUTPUT]

a string written in Censys Search syntax

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--api-id <api_id>

a Censys API ID (alternatively you can use the env variable CENSYS_API_ID)

--api-secret <api_secret>

a Censys API SECRET (alternatively you can use the env variable CENSYS_API_SECRET)

--index-type {hosts}

which resource index to query

--at-time <yyyy-mm-dd (hh:mm)>

Fetches a document at a given point in time

-f {screen,json}, --format {screen,json}

format of output

-o <output>, --output <output>

output file path