Source code for censys.asm.risks

"""Interact with the Censys Risks API."""
from typing import Iterator, Optional

from .api import CensysAsmAPI

[docs]class Risks(CensysAsmAPI): """Risks API class.""" base_path = "risks"
[docs] def get_risks( self, cloud: Optional[str] = None, environment: Optional[str] = None, include_accepted_risks: Optional[bool] = None, page_number: int = 1, page_size: int = 100, ) -> Iterator[dict]: """Retrieve risks. Returns a full list of all risks that affect any assets in the system, along with a count of assets affected by each risk. Args: cloud (str): The cloud to filter by. environment (str): The environment to filter by. include_accepted_risks (bool): Whether to include accepted risks. page_number (int): The page number to return. page_size (int): The number of items to return per page. Yields: dict: Host count result. """ yield from self._get_page( self.base_path, page_number=page_number, page_size=page_size, args={ "cloud": cloud, "environment": environment, "includeAcceptedRisks": include_accepted_risks, }, keyword="data", )