Source code for

"""Interact with the Censys Search Certificate API."""
from typing import List

from .api import CensysSearchAPIv1
from censys.common.deprecation import DeprecationDecorator

[docs]class CensysCertificates(CensysSearchAPIv1): """Interacts with the Certificates index. See CensysSearchAPIv1 for additional arguments. Args: *args: Variable length argument list. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. """ DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: int = 90 """Timeout for the certificates index""" DEFAULT_URL: str = "" """Default Search API base URL.""" INDEX_NAME = "certificates" """Name of Censys Index.""" MAX_PER_BULK_REQUEST = 50 """Max number of bulk requests.""" bulk_path = f"/bulk/{INDEX_NAME}" @DeprecationDecorator( "The v1 Certificates API is deprecated and will be removed in the future." ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Inits CensysCertificates. See CensysSearchAPIv1 for additional arguments. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. """ CensysSearchAPIv1.__init__( self, timeout=kwargs.pop("timeout", self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT), **kwargs )
[docs] def bulk(self, fingerprints: List[str]) -> dict: """Requests bulk certificates. Args: fingerprints (List[str]): List of certificate SHA256 fingerprints. Returns: dict: Search results from an API query. """ result = {} start = 0 end = self.MAX_PER_BULK_REQUEST while start < len(fingerprints): data = {"fingerprints": fingerprints[start:end]} result.update(self._post(self.bulk_path, data=data)) start = end end += self.MAX_PER_BULK_REQUEST return result